path: root/mobicore/MobiCoreDriverLib/ClientLib/mc.pb.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mobicore/MobiCoreDriverLib/ClientLib/mc.pb.cpp')
1 files changed, 5695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobicore/MobiCoreDriverLib/ClientLib/mc.pb.cpp b/mobicore/MobiCoreDriverLib/ClientLib/mc.pb.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36a527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobicore/MobiCoreDriverLib/ClientLib/mc.pb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5695 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 TRUSTONIC LIMITED
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the TRUSTONIC LIMITED nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
+// source: mc.proto
+#include "mc.pb.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/once.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/wire_format_lite_inl.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
+// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
+namespace com {
+namespace trustonic {
+namespace tee_proxy {
+void protobuf_ShutdownFile_mc_2eproto() {
+ delete OpenSessionRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete OpenSessionResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete OpenTrustletRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete OpenTrustletResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete CloseSessionRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete CloseSessionResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete NotifyRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete NotifyRequest_Buffers::default_instance_;
+ delete NotifyResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete WaitNotificationRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete WaitNotificationResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::default_instance_;
+ delete MapRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete MapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_;
+ delete MapResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete MapResponse_Buffers::default_instance_;
+ delete UnmapRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete UnmapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_;
+ delete UnmapResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete GetErrorRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete GetErrorResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete GetVersionRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete GetVersionResponse::default_instance_;
+ delete GpRequestCancellationRequest::default_instance_;
+ delete GpRequestCancellationResponse::default_instance_;
+void protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto_impl() {
+void protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto() {
+ static bool already_here = false;
+ if (already_here) return;
+ already_here = true;
+ OpenSessionRequest::default_instance_ = new OpenSessionRequest();
+ OpenSessionResponse::default_instance_ = new OpenSessionResponse();
+ OpenTrustletRequest::default_instance_ = new OpenTrustletRequest();
+ OpenTrustletResponse::default_instance_ = new OpenTrustletResponse();
+ CloseSessionRequest::default_instance_ = new CloseSessionRequest();
+ CloseSessionResponse::default_instance_ = new CloseSessionResponse();
+ NotifyRequest::default_instance_ = new NotifyRequest();
+ NotifyRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = new NotifyRequest_Buffers();
+ NotifyResponse::default_instance_ = new NotifyResponse();
+ WaitNotificationRequest::default_instance_ = new WaitNotificationRequest();
+ WaitNotificationResponse::default_instance_ = new WaitNotificationResponse();
+ WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::default_instance_ = new WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers();
+ MapRequest::default_instance_ = new MapRequest();
+ MapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = new MapRequest_Buffers();
+ MapResponse::default_instance_ = new MapResponse();
+ MapResponse_Buffers::default_instance_ = new MapResponse_Buffers();
+ UnmapRequest::default_instance_ = new UnmapRequest();
+ UnmapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = new UnmapRequest_Buffers();
+ UnmapResponse::default_instance_ = new UnmapResponse();
+ GetErrorRequest::default_instance_ = new GetErrorRequest();
+ GetErrorResponse::default_instance_ = new GetErrorResponse();
+ GetVersionRequest::default_instance_ = new GetVersionRequest();
+ GetVersionResponse::default_instance_ = new GetVersionResponse();
+ GpRequestCancellationRequest::default_instance_ = new GpRequestCancellationRequest();
+ GpRequestCancellationResponse::default_instance_ = new GpRequestCancellationResponse();
+ OpenSessionRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ OpenSessionResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ OpenTrustletRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ OpenTrustletResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ CloseSessionRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ CloseSessionResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ NotifyRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ NotifyRequest_Buffers::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ NotifyResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ WaitNotificationRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ WaitNotificationResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ MapRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ MapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ MapResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ MapResponse_Buffers::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ UnmapRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ UnmapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ UnmapResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GetErrorRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GetErrorResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GetVersionRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GetVersionResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GpRequestCancellationRequest::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ GpRequestCancellationResponse::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::OnShutdown(&protobuf_ShutdownFile_mc_2eproto);
+void protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto() {
+ ::google::protobuf::GoogleOnceInit(&protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto_once_,
+ &protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto_impl);
+// Force AddDescriptors() to be called at static initialization time.
+struct StaticDescriptorInitializer_mc_2eproto {
+ StaticDescriptorInitializer_mc_2eproto() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ }
+} static_descriptor_initializer_mc_2eproto_;
+bool LoginType_IsValid(int value) {
+ switch(value) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int OpenSessionRequest::kUuidFieldNumber;
+const int OpenSessionRequest::kIsGpUuidFieldNumber;
+const int OpenSessionRequest::kTciFieldNumber;
+const int OpenSessionRequest::kLoginTypeFieldNumber;
+const int OpenSessionRequest::kLoginDataFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+void OpenSessionRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+OpenSessionRequest::OpenSessionRequest(const OpenSessionRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+void OpenSessionRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ uuid_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ is_gp_uuid_ = false;
+ tci_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ login_type_ = 0;
+ login_data_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+OpenSessionRequest::~OpenSessionRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void OpenSessionRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (uuid_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete uuid_;
+ }
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete tci_;
+ }
+ if (login_data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete login_data_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void OpenSessionRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const OpenSessionRequest& OpenSessionRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+OpenSessionRequest* OpenSessionRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+OpenSessionRequest* OpenSessionRequest::New() const {
+ return new OpenSessionRequest;
+void OpenSessionRequest::Clear() {
+#define OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(f) (reinterpret_cast<char*>( \
+ &reinterpret_cast<OpenSessionRequest*>(16)->f) - \
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(16))
+#define ZR_(first, last) do { \
+ size_t f = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(first); \
+ size_t n = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(last) - f + sizeof(last); \
+ ::memset(&first, 0, n); \
+ } while (0)
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 31) {
+ ZR_(is_gp_uuid_, login_type_);
+ if (has_uuid()) {
+ if (uuid_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ uuid_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ tci_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_login_data()) {
+ if (login_data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ login_data_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#undef ZR_
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool OpenSessionRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required bytes uuid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 10) {
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_uuid()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(16)) goto parse_is_gp_uuid;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bool is_gp_uuid = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 16) {
+ parse_is_gp_uuid:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ bool, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL>(
+ input, &is_gp_uuid_)));
+ set_has_is_gp_uuid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(26)) goto parse_tci;
+ break;
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ case 3: {
+ if (tag == 26) {
+ parse_tci:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_tci()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(32)) goto parse_login_type;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.LoginType login_type = 4;
+ case 4: {
+ if (tag == 32) {
+ parse_login_type:
+ int value;
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ int, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM>(
+ input, &value)));
+ if (::com::trustonic::tee_proxy::LoginType_IsValid(value)) {
+ set_login_type(static_cast< ::com::trustonic::tee_proxy::LoginType >(value));
+ } else {
+ unknown_fields_stream.WriteVarint32(tag);
+ unknown_fields_stream.WriteVarint32(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(42)) goto parse_login_data;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bytes login_data = 5;
+ case 5: {
+ if (tag == 42) {
+ parse_login_data:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_login_data()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void OpenSessionRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+ // required bytes uuid = 1;
+ if (has_uuid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 1, this->uuid(), output);
+ }
+ // required bool is_gp_uuid = 2;
+ if (has_is_gp_uuid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBool(2, this->is_gp_uuid(), output);
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 3, this->tci(), output);
+ }
+ // required .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.LoginType login_type = 4;
+ if (has_login_type()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteEnum(
+ 4, this->login_type(), output);
+ }
+ // required bytes login_data = 5;
+ if (has_login_data()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 5, this->login_data(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest)
+int OpenSessionRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required bytes uuid = 1;
+ if (has_uuid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->uuid());
+ }
+ // required bool is_gp_uuid = 2;
+ if (has_is_gp_uuid()) {
+ total_size += 1 + 1;
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->tci());
+ }
+ // required .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.LoginType login_type = 4;
+ if (has_login_type()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::EnumSize(this->login_type());
+ }
+ // required bytes login_data = 5;
+ if (has_login_data()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->login_data());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void OpenSessionRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const OpenSessionRequest*>(&from));
+void OpenSessionRequest::MergeFrom(const OpenSessionRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_uuid()) {
+ set_uuid(from.uuid());
+ }
+ if (from.has_is_gp_uuid()) {
+ set_is_gp_uuid(from.is_gp_uuid());
+ }
+ if (from.has_tci()) {
+ set_tci(;
+ }
+ if (from.has_login_type()) {
+ set_login_type(from.login_type());
+ }
+ if (from.has_login_data()) {
+ set_login_data(from.login_data());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void OpenSessionRequest::CopyFrom(const OpenSessionRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool OpenSessionRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x0000001b) != 0x0000001b) return false;
+ return true;
+void OpenSessionRequest::Swap(OpenSessionRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(uuid_, other->uuid_);
+ std::swap(is_gp_uuid_, other->is_gp_uuid_);
+ std::swap(tci_, other->tci_);
+ std::swap(login_type_, other->login_type_);
+ std::swap(login_data_, other->login_data_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string OpenSessionRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int OpenSessionResponse::kIdFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+void OpenSessionResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+OpenSessionResponse::OpenSessionResponse(const OpenSessionResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+void OpenSessionResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+OpenSessionResponse::~OpenSessionResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void OpenSessionResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void OpenSessionResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const OpenSessionResponse& OpenSessionResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+OpenSessionResponse* OpenSessionResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+OpenSessionResponse* OpenSessionResponse::New() const {
+ return new OpenSessionResponse;
+void OpenSessionResponse::Clear() {
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool OpenSessionResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &id_)));
+ set_has_id();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void OpenSessionResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->id(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse)
+int OpenSessionResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->id());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void OpenSessionResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const OpenSessionResponse*>(&from));
+void OpenSessionResponse::MergeFrom(const OpenSessionResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_id()) {
+ set_id(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void OpenSessionResponse::CopyFrom(const OpenSessionResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool OpenSessionResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void OpenSessionResponse::Swap(OpenSessionResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(id_, other->id_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string OpenSessionResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenSessionResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int OpenTrustletRequest::kSpidFieldNumber;
+const int OpenTrustletRequest::kTrustappFieldNumber;
+const int OpenTrustletRequest::kTciFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+void OpenTrustletRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+OpenTrustletRequest::OpenTrustletRequest(const OpenTrustletRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+void OpenTrustletRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ spid_ = 0u;
+ trustapp_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ tci_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+OpenTrustletRequest::~OpenTrustletRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void OpenTrustletRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (trustapp_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete trustapp_;
+ }
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete tci_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void OpenTrustletRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const OpenTrustletRequest& OpenTrustletRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+OpenTrustletRequest* OpenTrustletRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+OpenTrustletRequest* OpenTrustletRequest::New() const {
+ return new OpenTrustletRequest;
+void OpenTrustletRequest::Clear() {
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 7) {
+ spid_ = 0u;
+ if (has_trustapp()) {
+ if (trustapp_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ trustapp_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ tci_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool OpenTrustletRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 spid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &spid_)));
+ set_has_spid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_trustapp;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bytes trustapp = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_trustapp:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_trustapp()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(26)) goto parse_tci;
+ break;
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ case 3: {
+ if (tag == 26) {
+ parse_tci:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_tci()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void OpenTrustletRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+ // required uint32 spid = 1;
+ if (has_spid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->spid(), output);
+ }
+ // required bytes trustapp = 2;
+ if (has_trustapp()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 2, this->trustapp(), output);
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 3, this->tci(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest)
+int OpenTrustletRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 spid = 1;
+ if (has_spid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->spid());
+ }
+ // required bytes trustapp = 2;
+ if (has_trustapp()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->trustapp());
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 3;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->tci());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void OpenTrustletRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const OpenTrustletRequest*>(&from));
+void OpenTrustletRequest::MergeFrom(const OpenTrustletRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_spid()) {
+ set_spid(from.spid());
+ }
+ if (from.has_trustapp()) {
+ set_trustapp(from.trustapp());
+ }
+ if (from.has_tci()) {
+ set_tci(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void OpenTrustletRequest::CopyFrom(const OpenTrustletRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool OpenTrustletRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) return false;
+ return true;
+void OpenTrustletRequest::Swap(OpenTrustletRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(spid_, other->spid_);
+ std::swap(trustapp_, other->trustapp_);
+ std::swap(tci_, other->tci_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string OpenTrustletRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int OpenTrustletResponse::kIdFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+void OpenTrustletResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+OpenTrustletResponse::OpenTrustletResponse(const OpenTrustletResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+void OpenTrustletResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+OpenTrustletResponse::~OpenTrustletResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void OpenTrustletResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void OpenTrustletResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const OpenTrustletResponse& OpenTrustletResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+OpenTrustletResponse* OpenTrustletResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+OpenTrustletResponse* OpenTrustletResponse::New() const {
+ return new OpenTrustletResponse;
+void OpenTrustletResponse::Clear() {
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool OpenTrustletResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &id_)));
+ set_has_id();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void OpenTrustletResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->id(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse)
+int OpenTrustletResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->id());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void OpenTrustletResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const OpenTrustletResponse*>(&from));
+void OpenTrustletResponse::MergeFrom(const OpenTrustletResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_id()) {
+ set_id(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void OpenTrustletResponse::CopyFrom(const OpenTrustletResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool OpenTrustletResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void OpenTrustletResponse::Swap(OpenTrustletResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(id_, other->id_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string OpenTrustletResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.OpenTrustletResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int CloseSessionRequest::kIdFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+void CloseSessionRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+CloseSessionRequest::CloseSessionRequest(const CloseSessionRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+void CloseSessionRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+CloseSessionRequest::~CloseSessionRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void CloseSessionRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void CloseSessionRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const CloseSessionRequest& CloseSessionRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+CloseSessionRequest* CloseSessionRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+CloseSessionRequest* CloseSessionRequest::New() const {
+ return new CloseSessionRequest;
+void CloseSessionRequest::Clear() {
+ id_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool CloseSessionRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &id_)));
+ set_has_id();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void CloseSessionRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->id(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest)
+int CloseSessionRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 id = 1;
+ if (has_id()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->id());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void CloseSessionRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const CloseSessionRequest*>(&from));
+void CloseSessionRequest::MergeFrom(const CloseSessionRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_id()) {
+ set_id(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void CloseSessionRequest::CopyFrom(const CloseSessionRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool CloseSessionRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void CloseSessionRequest::Swap(CloseSessionRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(id_, other->id_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string CloseSessionRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+void CloseSessionResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+CloseSessionResponse::CloseSessionResponse(const CloseSessionResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+void CloseSessionResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+CloseSessionResponse::~CloseSessionResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void CloseSessionResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void CloseSessionResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const CloseSessionResponse& CloseSessionResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+CloseSessionResponse* CloseSessionResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+CloseSessionResponse* CloseSessionResponse::New() const {
+ return new CloseSessionResponse;
+void CloseSessionResponse::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool CloseSessionResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void CloseSessionResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse)
+int CloseSessionResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void CloseSessionResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const CloseSessionResponse*>(&from));
+void CloseSessionResponse::MergeFrom(const CloseSessionResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void CloseSessionResponse::CopyFrom(const CloseSessionResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool CloseSessionResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ return true;
+void CloseSessionResponse::Swap(CloseSessionResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string CloseSessionResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.CloseSessionResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int NotifyRequest_Buffers::kSvaFieldNumber;
+const int NotifyRequest_Buffers::kDataFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+NotifyRequest_Buffers::NotifyRequest_Buffers(const NotifyRequest_Buffers& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ data_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+NotifyRequest_Buffers::~NotifyRequest_Buffers() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+ SharedDtor();
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::SharedDtor() {
+ if (data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete data_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const NotifyRequest_Buffers& NotifyRequest_Buffers::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+NotifyRequest_Buffers* NotifyRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = NULL;
+NotifyRequest_Buffers* NotifyRequest_Buffers::New() const {
+ return new NotifyRequest_Buffers;
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::Clear() {
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 3) {
+ if (has_data()) {
+ if (data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ data_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool NotifyRequest_Buffers::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint64, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64>(
+ input, &sva_)));
+ set_has_sva();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_data;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_data:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_data()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64(1, this->sva(), output);
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ if (has_data()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 2, this->data(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers)
+int NotifyRequest_Buffers::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt64Size(
+ this->sva());
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ if (has_data()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->data());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const NotifyRequest_Buffers*>(&from));
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::MergeFrom(const NotifyRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sva()) {
+ set_sva(from.sva());
+ }
+ if (from.has_data()) {
+ set_data(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::CopyFrom(const NotifyRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool NotifyRequest_Buffers::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) return false;
+ return true;
+void NotifyRequest_Buffers::Swap(NotifyRequest_Buffers* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sva_, other->sva_);
+ std::swap(data_, other->data_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string NotifyRequest_Buffers::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int NotifyRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+const int NotifyRequest::kTciFieldNumber;
+const int NotifyRequest::kBuffersFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+void NotifyRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+NotifyRequest::NotifyRequest(const NotifyRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+void NotifyRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ tci_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+NotifyRequest::~NotifyRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void NotifyRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete tci_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void NotifyRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const NotifyRequest& NotifyRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+NotifyRequest* NotifyRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+NotifyRequest* NotifyRequest::New() const {
+ return new NotifyRequest;
+void NotifyRequest::Clear() {
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 3) {
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ tci_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buffers_.Clear();
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool NotifyRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_tci;
+ break;
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_tci:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_tci()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(26)) goto parse_buffers;
+ break;
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers buffers = 3;
+ case 3: {
+ if (tag == 26) {
+ parse_buffers:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadMessageNoVirtual(
+ input, add_buffers()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(26)) goto parse_buffers;
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void NotifyRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 2;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 2, this->tci(), output);
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers buffers = 3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteMessage(
+ 3, this->buffers(i), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest)
+int NotifyRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ // optional bytes tci = 2;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->tci());
+ }
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest.Buffers buffers = 3;
+ total_size += 1 * this->buffers_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ total_size +=
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
+ this->buffers(i));
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void NotifyRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const NotifyRequest*>(&from));
+void NotifyRequest::MergeFrom(const NotifyRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ buffers_.MergeFrom(from.buffers_);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ if (from.has_tci()) {
+ set_tci(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void NotifyRequest::CopyFrom(const NotifyRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool NotifyRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ if (!::google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized(this->buffers())) return false;
+ return true;
+void NotifyRequest::Swap(NotifyRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ std::swap(tci_, other->tci_);
+ buffers_.Swap(&other->buffers_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string NotifyRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+void NotifyResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+NotifyResponse::NotifyResponse(const NotifyResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+void NotifyResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+NotifyResponse::~NotifyResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void NotifyResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void NotifyResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const NotifyResponse& NotifyResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+NotifyResponse* NotifyResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+NotifyResponse* NotifyResponse::New() const {
+ return new NotifyResponse;
+void NotifyResponse::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool NotifyResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void NotifyResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse)
+int NotifyResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void NotifyResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const NotifyResponse*>(&from));
+void NotifyResponse::MergeFrom(const NotifyResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void NotifyResponse::CopyFrom(const NotifyResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool NotifyResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ return true;
+void NotifyResponse::Swap(NotifyResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string NotifyResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.NotifyResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int WaitNotificationRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+const int WaitNotificationRequest::kTimeoutFieldNumber;
+const int WaitNotificationRequest::kPartialFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+void WaitNotificationRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+WaitNotificationRequest::WaitNotificationRequest(const WaitNotificationRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+void WaitNotificationRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ timeout_ = 0;
+ partial_ = false;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+WaitNotificationRequest::~WaitNotificationRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void WaitNotificationRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void WaitNotificationRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const WaitNotificationRequest& WaitNotificationRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+WaitNotificationRequest* WaitNotificationRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+WaitNotificationRequest* WaitNotificationRequest::New() const {
+ return new WaitNotificationRequest;
+void WaitNotificationRequest::Clear() {
+#define OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(f) (reinterpret_cast<char*>( \
+ &reinterpret_cast<WaitNotificationRequest*>(16)->f) - \
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(16))
+#define ZR_(first, last) do { \
+ size_t f = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(first); \
+ size_t n = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(last) - f + sizeof(last); \
+ ::memset(&first, 0, n); \
+ } while (0)
+ ZR_(sid_, partial_);
+#undef ZR_
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool WaitNotificationRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(16)) goto parse_timeout;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required sint32 timeout = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 16) {
+ parse_timeout:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::int32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32>(
+ input, &timeout_)));
+ set_has_timeout();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(24)) goto parse_partial;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bool partial = 3;
+ case 3: {
+ if (tag == 24) {
+ parse_partial:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ bool, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL>(
+ input, &partial_)));
+ set_has_partial();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void WaitNotificationRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ // required sint32 timeout = 2;
+ if (has_timeout()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32(2, this->timeout(), output);
+ }
+ // required bool partial = 3;
+ if (has_partial()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBool(3, this->partial(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest)
+int WaitNotificationRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ // required sint32 timeout = 2;
+ if (has_timeout()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SInt32Size(
+ this->timeout());
+ }
+ // required bool partial = 3;
+ if (has_partial()) {
+ total_size += 1 + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void WaitNotificationRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const WaitNotificationRequest*>(&from));
+void WaitNotificationRequest::MergeFrom(const WaitNotificationRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ if (from.has_timeout()) {
+ set_timeout(from.timeout());
+ }
+ if (from.has_partial()) {
+ set_partial(from.partial());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void WaitNotificationRequest::CopyFrom(const WaitNotificationRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool WaitNotificationRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000007) != 0x00000007) return false;
+ return true;
+void WaitNotificationRequest::Swap(WaitNotificationRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ std::swap(timeout_, other->timeout_);
+ std::swap(partial_, other->partial_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string WaitNotificationRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::kSvaFieldNumber;
+const int WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::kDataFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers(const WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ data_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::~WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+ SharedDtor();
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::SharedDtor() {
+ if (data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete data_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers& WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers* WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::default_instance_ = NULL;
+WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers* WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::New() const {
+ return new WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers;
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::Clear() {
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 3) {
+ if (has_data()) {
+ if (data_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ data_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint64, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64>(
+ input, &sva_)));
+ set_has_sva();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_data;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_data:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_data()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64(1, this->sva(), output);
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ if (has_data()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 2, this->data(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers)
+int WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt64Size(
+ this->sva());
+ }
+ // required bytes data = 2;
+ if (has_data()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->data());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers*>(&from));
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::MergeFrom(const WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sva()) {
+ set_sva(from.sva());
+ }
+ if (from.has_data()) {
+ set_data(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::CopyFrom(const WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) return false;
+ return true;
+void WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::Swap(WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sva_, other->sva_);
+ std::swap(data_, other->data_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string WaitNotificationResponse_Buffers::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int WaitNotificationResponse::kTciFieldNumber;
+const int WaitNotificationResponse::kBuffersFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+void WaitNotificationResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+WaitNotificationResponse::WaitNotificationResponse(const WaitNotificationResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+void WaitNotificationResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ tci_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+WaitNotificationResponse::~WaitNotificationResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void WaitNotificationResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete tci_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void WaitNotificationResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const WaitNotificationResponse& WaitNotificationResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+WaitNotificationResponse* WaitNotificationResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+WaitNotificationResponse* WaitNotificationResponse::New() const {
+ return new WaitNotificationResponse;
+void WaitNotificationResponse::Clear() {
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ if (tci_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ tci_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ buffers_.Clear();
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool WaitNotificationResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // optional bytes tci = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 10) {
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadBytes(
+ input, this->mutable_tci()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ break;
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_buffers:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadMessageNoVirtual(
+ input, add_buffers()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void WaitNotificationResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+ // optional bytes tci = 1;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteBytesMaybeAliased(
+ 1, this->tci(), output);
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteMessage(
+ 2, this->buffers(i), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse)
+int WaitNotificationResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // optional bytes tci = 1;
+ if (has_tci()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::BytesSize(
+ this->tci());
+ }
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ total_size += 1 * this->buffers_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ total_size +=
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
+ this->buffers(i));
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void WaitNotificationResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const WaitNotificationResponse*>(&from));
+void WaitNotificationResponse::MergeFrom(const WaitNotificationResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ buffers_.MergeFrom(from.buffers_);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_tci()) {
+ set_tci(;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void WaitNotificationResponse::CopyFrom(const WaitNotificationResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool WaitNotificationResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if (!::google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized(this->buffers())) return false;
+ return true;
+void WaitNotificationResponse::Swap(WaitNotificationResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(tci_, other->tci_);
+ buffers_.Swap(&other->buffers_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string WaitNotificationResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.WaitNotificationResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int MapRequest_Buffers::kLenFieldNumber;
+const int MapRequest_Buffers::kFlagsFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+void MapRequest_Buffers::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+MapRequest_Buffers::MapRequest_Buffers(const MapRequest_Buffers& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+void MapRequest_Buffers::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ len_ = 0u;
+ flags_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+MapRequest_Buffers::~MapRequest_Buffers() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+ SharedDtor();
+void MapRequest_Buffers::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void MapRequest_Buffers::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const MapRequest_Buffers& MapRequest_Buffers::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+MapRequest_Buffers* MapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = NULL;
+MapRequest_Buffers* MapRequest_Buffers::New() const {
+ return new MapRequest_Buffers;
+void MapRequest_Buffers::Clear() {
+#define OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(f) (reinterpret_cast<char*>( \
+ &reinterpret_cast<MapRequest_Buffers*>(16)->f) - \
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(16))
+#define ZR_(first, last) do { \
+ size_t f = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(first); \
+ size_t n = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(last) - f + sizeof(last); \
+ ::memset(&first, 0, n); \
+ } while (0)
+ ZR_(len_, flags_);
+#undef ZR_
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool MapRequest_Buffers::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 len = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &len_)));
+ set_has_len();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(16)) goto parse_flags;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 flags = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 16) {
+ parse_flags:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &flags_)));
+ set_has_flags();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void MapRequest_Buffers::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+ // required uint32 len = 1;
+ if (has_len()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->len(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 flags = 2;
+ if (has_flags()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(2, this->flags(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers)
+int MapRequest_Buffers::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 len = 1;
+ if (has_len()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->len());
+ }
+ // required uint32 flags = 2;
+ if (has_flags()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->flags());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void MapRequest_Buffers::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const MapRequest_Buffers*>(&from));
+void MapRequest_Buffers::MergeFrom(const MapRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_len()) {
+ set_len(from.len());
+ }
+ if (from.has_flags()) {
+ set_flags(from.flags());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void MapRequest_Buffers::CopyFrom(const MapRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool MapRequest_Buffers::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000003) != 0x00000003) return false;
+ return true;
+void MapRequest_Buffers::Swap(MapRequest_Buffers* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(len_, other->len_);
+ std::swap(flags_, other->flags_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string MapRequest_Buffers::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int MapRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+const int MapRequest::kBuffersFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+void MapRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+MapRequest::MapRequest(const MapRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+void MapRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+MapRequest::~MapRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void MapRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void MapRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const MapRequest& MapRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+MapRequest* MapRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+MapRequest* MapRequest::New() const {
+ return new MapRequest;
+void MapRequest::Clear() {
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ buffers_.Clear();
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool MapRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ break;
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_buffers:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadMessageNoVirtual(
+ input, add_buffers()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void MapRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteMessage(
+ 2, this->buffers(i), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest)
+int MapRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ total_size += 1 * this->buffers_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ total_size +=
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
+ this->buffers(i));
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void MapRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const MapRequest*>(&from));
+void MapRequest::MergeFrom(const MapRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ buffers_.MergeFrom(from.buffers_);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void MapRequest::CopyFrom(const MapRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool MapRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ if (!::google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized(this->buffers())) return false;
+ return true;
+void MapRequest::Swap(MapRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ buffers_.Swap(&other->buffers_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string MapRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int MapResponse_Buffers::kSvaFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+void MapResponse_Buffers::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+MapResponse_Buffers::MapResponse_Buffers(const MapResponse_Buffers& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+void MapResponse_Buffers::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+MapResponse_Buffers::~MapResponse_Buffers() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+ SharedDtor();
+void MapResponse_Buffers::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void MapResponse_Buffers::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const MapResponse_Buffers& MapResponse_Buffers::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+MapResponse_Buffers* MapResponse_Buffers::default_instance_ = NULL;
+MapResponse_Buffers* MapResponse_Buffers::New() const {
+ return new MapResponse_Buffers;
+void MapResponse_Buffers::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool MapResponse_Buffers::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint64, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64>(
+ input, &sva_)));
+ set_has_sva();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void MapResponse_Buffers::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64(1, this->sva(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers)
+int MapResponse_Buffers::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt64Size(
+ this->sva());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void MapResponse_Buffers::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const MapResponse_Buffers*>(&from));
+void MapResponse_Buffers::MergeFrom(const MapResponse_Buffers& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sva()) {
+ set_sva(from.sva());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void MapResponse_Buffers::CopyFrom(const MapResponse_Buffers& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool MapResponse_Buffers::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void MapResponse_Buffers::Swap(MapResponse_Buffers* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sva_, other->sva_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string MapResponse_Buffers::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int MapResponse::kBuffersFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+void MapResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+MapResponse::MapResponse(const MapResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+void MapResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+MapResponse::~MapResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void MapResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void MapResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const MapResponse& MapResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+MapResponse* MapResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+MapResponse* MapResponse::New() const {
+ return new MapResponse;
+void MapResponse::Clear() {
+ buffers_.Clear();
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool MapResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers buffers = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 10) {
+ parse_buffers:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadMessageNoVirtual(
+ input, add_buffers()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(10)) goto parse_buffers;
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void MapResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers buffers = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteMessage(
+ 1, this->buffers(i), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse)
+int MapResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse.Buffers buffers = 1;
+ total_size += 1 * this->buffers_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ total_size +=
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
+ this->buffers(i));
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void MapResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const MapResponse*>(&from));
+void MapResponse::MergeFrom(const MapResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ buffers_.MergeFrom(from.buffers_);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void MapResponse::CopyFrom(const MapResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool MapResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if (!::google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized(this->buffers())) return false;
+ return true;
+void MapResponse::Swap(MapResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ buffers_.Swap(&other->buffers_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string MapResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.MapResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int UnmapRequest_Buffers::kSvaFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+UnmapRequest_Buffers::UnmapRequest_Buffers(const UnmapRequest_Buffers& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+UnmapRequest_Buffers::~UnmapRequest_Buffers() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+ SharedDtor();
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const UnmapRequest_Buffers& UnmapRequest_Buffers::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+UnmapRequest_Buffers* UnmapRequest_Buffers::default_instance_ = NULL;
+UnmapRequest_Buffers* UnmapRequest_Buffers::New() const {
+ return new UnmapRequest_Buffers;
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool UnmapRequest_Buffers::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint64, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64>(
+ input, &sva_)));
+ set_has_sva();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64(1, this->sva(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers)
+int UnmapRequest_Buffers::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint64 sva = 1;
+ if (has_sva()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt64Size(
+ this->sva());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const UnmapRequest_Buffers*>(&from));
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::MergeFrom(const UnmapRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sva()) {
+ set_sva(from.sva());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::CopyFrom(const UnmapRequest_Buffers& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool UnmapRequest_Buffers::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void UnmapRequest_Buffers::Swap(UnmapRequest_Buffers* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sva_, other->sva_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string UnmapRequest_Buffers::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers";
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int UnmapRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+const int UnmapRequest::kBuffersFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+void UnmapRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+UnmapRequest::UnmapRequest(const UnmapRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+void UnmapRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+UnmapRequest::~UnmapRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void UnmapRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void UnmapRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const UnmapRequest& UnmapRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+UnmapRequest* UnmapRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+UnmapRequest* UnmapRequest::New() const {
+ return new UnmapRequest;
+void UnmapRequest::Clear() {
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ buffers_.Clear();
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool UnmapRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ break;
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 18) {
+ parse_buffers:
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadMessageNoVirtual(
+ input, add_buffers()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(18)) goto parse_buffers;
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void UnmapRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteMessage(
+ 2, this->buffers(i), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest)
+int UnmapRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ }
+ // repeated .com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest.Buffers buffers = 2;
+ total_size += 1 * this->buffers_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->buffers_size(); i++) {
+ total_size +=
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::MessageSizeNoVirtual(
+ this->buffers(i));
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void UnmapRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const UnmapRequest*>(&from));
+void UnmapRequest::MergeFrom(const UnmapRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ buffers_.MergeFrom(from.buffers_);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void UnmapRequest::CopyFrom(const UnmapRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool UnmapRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ if (!::google::protobuf::internal::AllAreInitialized(this->buffers())) return false;
+ return true;
+void UnmapRequest::Swap(UnmapRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ buffers_.Swap(&other->buffers_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string UnmapRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+void UnmapResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+UnmapResponse::UnmapResponse(const UnmapResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+void UnmapResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+UnmapResponse::~UnmapResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void UnmapResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void UnmapResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const UnmapResponse& UnmapResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+UnmapResponse* UnmapResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+UnmapResponse* UnmapResponse::New() const {
+ return new UnmapResponse;
+void UnmapResponse::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool UnmapResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void UnmapResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse)
+int UnmapResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void UnmapResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const UnmapResponse*>(&from));
+void UnmapResponse::MergeFrom(const UnmapResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void UnmapResponse::CopyFrom(const UnmapResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool UnmapResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ return true;
+void UnmapResponse::Swap(UnmapResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string UnmapResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.UnmapResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int GetErrorRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+void GetErrorRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GetErrorRequest::GetErrorRequest(const GetErrorRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+void GetErrorRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GetErrorRequest::~GetErrorRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GetErrorRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GetErrorRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GetErrorRequest& GetErrorRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GetErrorRequest* GetErrorRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GetErrorRequest* GetErrorRequest::New() const {
+ return new GetErrorRequest;
+void GetErrorRequest::Clear() {
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GetErrorRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GetErrorRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest)
+int GetErrorRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GetErrorRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GetErrorRequest*>(&from));
+void GetErrorRequest::MergeFrom(const GetErrorRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GetErrorRequest::CopyFrom(const GetErrorRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GetErrorRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void GetErrorRequest::Swap(GetErrorRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GetErrorRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int GetErrorResponse::kExitCodeFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+void GetErrorResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GetErrorResponse::GetErrorResponse(const GetErrorResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+void GetErrorResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ exit_code_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GetErrorResponse::~GetErrorResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GetErrorResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GetErrorResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GetErrorResponse& GetErrorResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GetErrorResponse* GetErrorResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GetErrorResponse* GetErrorResponse::New() const {
+ return new GetErrorResponse;
+void GetErrorResponse::Clear() {
+ exit_code_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GetErrorResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required sint32 exit_code = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::int32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32>(
+ input, &exit_code_)));
+ set_has_exit_code();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GetErrorResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+ // required sint32 exit_code = 1;
+ if (has_exit_code()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteSInt32(1, this->exit_code(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse)
+int GetErrorResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required sint32 exit_code = 1;
+ if (has_exit_code()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SInt32Size(
+ this->exit_code());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GetErrorResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GetErrorResponse*>(&from));
+void GetErrorResponse::MergeFrom(const GetErrorResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_exit_code()) {
+ set_exit_code(from.exit_code());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GetErrorResponse::CopyFrom(const GetErrorResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GetErrorResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void GetErrorResponse::Swap(GetErrorResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(exit_code_, other->exit_code_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GetErrorResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetErrorResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+void GetVersionRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GetVersionRequest::GetVersionRequest(const GetVersionRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+void GetVersionRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GetVersionRequest::~GetVersionRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GetVersionRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GetVersionRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GetVersionRequest& GetVersionRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GetVersionRequest* GetVersionRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GetVersionRequest* GetVersionRequest::New() const {
+ return new GetVersionRequest;
+void GetVersionRequest::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GetVersionRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GetVersionRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest)
+int GetVersionRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GetVersionRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GetVersionRequest*>(&from));
+void GetVersionRequest::MergeFrom(const GetVersionRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GetVersionRequest::CopyFrom(const GetVersionRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GetVersionRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ return true;
+void GetVersionRequest::Swap(GetVersionRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GetVersionRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int GetVersionResponse::kProductIdFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kMciFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kSoFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kMclfFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kContainerFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kMcConfigFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kTlApiFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kDrApiFieldNumber;
+const int GetVersionResponse::kNwdFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+void GetVersionResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GetVersionResponse::GetVersionResponse(const GetVersionResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+void GetVersionResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyString();
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ product_id_ = const_cast< ::std::string*>(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
+ mci_ = 0u;
+ so_ = 0u;
+ mclf_ = 0u;
+ container_ = 0u;
+ mc_config_ = 0u;
+ tl_api_ = 0u;
+ dr_api_ = 0u;
+ nwd_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GetVersionResponse::~GetVersionResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GetVersionResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (product_id_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ delete product_id_;
+ }
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GetVersionResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GetVersionResponse& GetVersionResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GetVersionResponse* GetVersionResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GetVersionResponse* GetVersionResponse::New() const {
+ return new GetVersionResponse;
+void GetVersionResponse::Clear() {
+#define OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(f) (reinterpret_cast<char*>( \
+ &reinterpret_cast<GetVersionResponse*>(16)->f) - \
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(16))
+#define ZR_(first, last) do { \
+ size_t f = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(first); \
+ size_t n = OFFSET_OF_FIELD_(last) - f + sizeof(last); \
+ ::memset(&first, 0, n); \
+ } while (0)
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & 255) {
+ ZR_(mci_, dr_api_);
+ if (has_product_id()) {
+ if (product_id_ != &::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited()) {
+ product_id_->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nwd_ = 0u;
+#undef ZR_
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GetVersionResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required string product_id = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 10) {
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadString(
+ input, this->mutable_product_id()));
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(16)) goto parse_mci;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 mci = 2;
+ case 2: {
+ if (tag == 16) {
+ parse_mci:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &mci_)));
+ set_has_mci();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(24)) goto parse_so;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 so = 3;
+ case 3: {
+ if (tag == 24) {
+ parse_so:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &so_)));
+ set_has_so();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(32)) goto parse_mclf;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 mclf = 4;
+ case 4: {
+ if (tag == 32) {
+ parse_mclf:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &mclf_)));
+ set_has_mclf();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(40)) goto parse_container;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 container = 5;
+ case 5: {
+ if (tag == 40) {
+ parse_container:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &container_)));
+ set_has_container();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(48)) goto parse_mc_config;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 mc_config = 6;
+ case 6: {
+ if (tag == 48) {
+ parse_mc_config:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &mc_config_)));
+ set_has_mc_config();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(56)) goto parse_tl_api;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 tl_api = 7;
+ case 7: {
+ if (tag == 56) {
+ parse_tl_api:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &tl_api_)));
+ set_has_tl_api();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(64)) goto parse_dr_api;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 dr_api = 8;
+ case 8: {
+ if (tag == 64) {
+ parse_dr_api:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &dr_api_)));
+ set_has_dr_api();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectTag(72)) goto parse_nwd;
+ break;
+ }
+ // required uint32 nwd = 9;
+ case 9: {
+ if (tag == 72) {
+ parse_nwd:
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &nwd_)));
+ set_has_nwd();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GetVersionResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+ // required string product_id = 1;
+ if (has_product_id()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteStringMaybeAliased(
+ 1, this->product_id(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 mci = 2;
+ if (has_mci()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(2, this->mci(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 so = 3;
+ if (has_so()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(3, this->so(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 mclf = 4;
+ if (has_mclf()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(4, this->mclf(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 container = 5;
+ if (has_container()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(5, this->container(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 mc_config = 6;
+ if (has_mc_config()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(6, this->mc_config(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 tl_api = 7;
+ if (has_tl_api()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(7, this->tl_api(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 dr_api = 8;
+ if (has_dr_api()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(8, this->dr_api(), output);
+ }
+ // required uint32 nwd = 9;
+ if (has_nwd()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(9, this->nwd(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse)
+int GetVersionResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required string product_id = 1;
+ if (has_product_id()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::StringSize(
+ this->product_id());
+ }
+ // required uint32 mci = 2;
+ if (has_mci()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->mci());
+ }
+ // required uint32 so = 3;
+ if (has_so()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->so());
+ }
+ // required uint32 mclf = 4;
+ if (has_mclf()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->mclf());
+ }
+ // required uint32 container = 5;
+ if (has_container()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->container());
+ }
+ // required uint32 mc_config = 6;
+ if (has_mc_config()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->mc_config());
+ }
+ // required uint32 tl_api = 7;
+ if (has_tl_api()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->tl_api());
+ }
+ // required uint32 dr_api = 8;
+ if (has_dr_api()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->dr_api());
+ }
+ }
+ if (_has_bits_[8 / 32] & (0xffu << (8 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 nwd = 9;
+ if (has_nwd()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->nwd());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GetVersionResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GetVersionResponse*>(&from));
+void GetVersionResponse::MergeFrom(const GetVersionResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_product_id()) {
+ set_product_id(from.product_id());
+ }
+ if (from.has_mci()) {
+ set_mci(from.mci());
+ }
+ if (from.has_so()) {
+ set_so(;
+ }
+ if (from.has_mclf()) {
+ set_mclf(from.mclf());
+ }
+ if (from.has_container()) {
+ set_container(from.container());
+ }
+ if (from.has_mc_config()) {
+ set_mc_config(from.mc_config());
+ }
+ if (from.has_tl_api()) {
+ set_tl_api(from.tl_api());
+ }
+ if (from.has_dr_api()) {
+ set_dr_api(from.dr_api());
+ }
+ }
+ if (from._has_bits_[8 / 32] & (0xffu << (8 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_nwd()) {
+ set_nwd(from.nwd());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GetVersionResponse::CopyFrom(const GetVersionResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GetVersionResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x000001ff) != 0x000001ff) return false;
+ return true;
+void GetVersionResponse::Swap(GetVersionResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(product_id_, other->product_id_);
+ std::swap(mci_, other->mci_);
+ std::swap(so_, other->so_);
+ std::swap(mclf_, other->mclf_);
+ std::swap(container_, other->container_);
+ std::swap(mc_config_, other->mc_config_);
+ std::swap(tl_api_, other->tl_api_);
+ std::swap(dr_api_, other->dr_api_);
+ std::swap(nwd_, other->nwd_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GetVersionResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GetVersionResponse";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+const int GpRequestCancellationRequest::kSidFieldNumber;
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GpRequestCancellationRequest::GpRequestCancellationRequest(const GpRequestCancellationRequest& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GpRequestCancellationRequest::~GpRequestCancellationRequest() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GpRequestCancellationRequest& GpRequestCancellationRequest::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GpRequestCancellationRequest* GpRequestCancellationRequest::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GpRequestCancellationRequest* GpRequestCancellationRequest::New() const {
+ return new GpRequestCancellationRequest;
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::Clear() {
+ sid_ = 0u;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GpRequestCancellationRequest::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ case 1: {
+ if (tag == 8) {
+ DO_((::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::ReadPrimitive<
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32, ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32>(
+ input, &sid_)));
+ set_has_sid();
+ } else {
+ goto handle_unusual;
+ }
+ if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) goto success;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32(1, this->sid(), output);
+ }
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest)
+int GpRequestCancellationRequest::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ if (_has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ // required uint32 sid = 1;
+ if (has_sid()) {
+ total_size += 1 +
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::UInt32Size(
+ this->sid());
+ }
+ }
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GpRequestCancellationRequest*>(&from));
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::MergeFrom(const GpRequestCancellationRequest& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ if (from._has_bits_[0 / 32] & (0xffu << (0 % 32))) {
+ if (from.has_sid()) {
+ set_sid(from.sid());
+ }
+ }
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::CopyFrom(const GpRequestCancellationRequest& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GpRequestCancellationRequest::IsInitialized() const {
+ if ((_has_bits_[0] & 0x00000001) != 0x00000001) return false;
+ return true;
+void GpRequestCancellationRequest::Swap(GpRequestCancellationRequest* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ std::swap(sid_, other->sid_);
+ std::swap(_has_bits_[0], other->_has_bits_[0]);
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GpRequestCancellationRequest::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationRequest";
+// ===================================================================
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::InitAsDefaultInstance() {
+GpRequestCancellationResponse::GpRequestCancellationResponse(const GpRequestCancellationResponse& from)
+ : ::google::protobuf::MessageLite() {
+ SharedCtor();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(copy_constructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::SharedCtor() {
+ _cached_size_ = 0;
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+GpRequestCancellationResponse::~GpRequestCancellationResponse() {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(destructor:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+ SharedDtor();
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::SharedDtor() {
+ if (this != &default_instance()) {
+ #else
+ if (this != default_instance_) {
+ #endif
+ }
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::SetCachedSize(int size) const {
+ _cached_size_ = size;
+const GpRequestCancellationResponse& GpRequestCancellationResponse::default_instance() {
+ protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ if (default_instance_ == NULL) protobuf_AddDesc_mc_2eproto();
+ return *default_instance_;
+GpRequestCancellationResponse* GpRequestCancellationResponse::default_instance_ = NULL;
+GpRequestCancellationResponse* GpRequestCancellationResponse::New() const {
+ return new GpRequestCancellationResponse;
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::Clear() {
+ ::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->clear();
+bool GpRequestCancellationResponse::MergePartialFromCodedStream(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {
+#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) goto failure
+ ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;
+ ::google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream unknown_fields_string(
+ mutable_unknown_fields());
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream unknown_fields_stream(
+ &unknown_fields_string);
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+ for (;;) {
+ ::std::pair< ::google::protobuf::uint32, bool> p = input->ReadTagWithCutoff(127);
+ tag = p.first;
+ if (!p.second) goto handle_unusual;
+ handle_unusual:
+ if (tag == 0 ||
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==
+ ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
+ goto success;
+ }
+ DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(
+ input, tag, &unknown_fields_stream));
+ }
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_success:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+ return true;
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(parse_failure:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+ return false;
+#undef DO_
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::SerializeWithCachedSizes(
+ ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_start:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+ output->WriteRaw(unknown_fields().data(),
+ unknown_fields().size());
+ // @@protoc_insertion_point(serialize_end:com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse)
+int GpRequestCancellationResponse::ByteSize() const {
+ int total_size = 0;
+ total_size += unknown_fields().size();
+ _cached_size_ = total_size;
+ return total_size;
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(
+ const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {
+ MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const GpRequestCancellationResponse*>(&from));
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::MergeFrom(const GpRequestCancellationResponse& from) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);
+ mutable_unknown_fields()->append(from.unknown_fields());
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::CopyFrom(const GpRequestCancellationResponse& from) {
+ if (&from == this) return;
+ Clear();
+ MergeFrom(from);
+bool GpRequestCancellationResponse::IsInitialized() const {
+ return true;
+void GpRequestCancellationResponse::Swap(GpRequestCancellationResponse* other) {
+ if (other != this) {
+ _unknown_fields_.swap(other->_unknown_fields_);
+ std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);
+ }
+::std::string GpRequestCancellationResponse::GetTypeName() const {
+ return "com.trustonic.tee_proxy.GpRequestCancellationResponse";
+// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
+} // namespace tee_proxy
+} // namespace trustonic
+} // namespace com
+// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)